The Environmental Impact of Poor Data Management

Data management is now a priority for businesses of all sizes, data protection laws have been tightened and the penalties have been increased drastically. This has led businesses to improve their data management processes, with security being the top priority.

However, few businesses are aware of the environmental impact of data storage and consumption.

Storing 100 GB of data in the cloud per year produces 0.2 tons of CO2 on average, this is equivalent to driving 750 miles in a diesel car.

Recent predictions state that the energy consumption of data centres is set to account for 3.2% of the total worldwide carbon emissions by 2025 and will consume no less than a fifth of global electricity.

The Environmental Impact of Poor Data Management

The average data consumption is increasing drastically, this is fuelled by technology becoming more sophisticated and therefore requiring more server space. This is especially true for business, with SaaS now the standard. Almost all businesses use technologies that are cloud-hosted and require large amounts of server space.

What can SME businesses do to reduce the environmental impact of their data storage and consumption?

There are three key steps you can take to improve your data management and consumption, and thankfully they all align with data security best practices.

What can you do?

  1. Review your existing data and remove anything that is not needed, start with the largest files and work your way through.
  2. Now that you have fewer files, review your cloud storage allocation. Unused server space still has an environmental impact so only pay for what you actually need.
  3. Review your partner’s and supplier’s eco-credentials. There are plenty of cloud storage providers that are carbon neutral or positive, make this a must-have for your business data storage and ensure that you work with suppliers and technology providers that are environmentally conscious.

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